They say life can pass you by if you're not careful. Luckily, I've been living a very full life these days, but my blogging and etsy online life has suffered. I haven't been very active in any of my etsy groups, and I'm finding that I'm getting stressed out about my flagging online participation. Isn't that odd? One would think, "Yay! I'm living a full life and I don't have time to read and comment on dozens of websites!" But the reality is that I feel terrible. Like I'm letting down the online community, even though I'm just this one tiny little shop, with one tiny little blog.
Maybe I feel burnt out because I just recently carved so many lino designs for my portfolio. I'm not quite sure. All I know is when I feel that something is expected of me, it takes all the joy and impromptu-ness out of it. My muse doesn't like to be forced. She likes to slip in quietly and surprise me. That's when I create.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm not in a place where I want to quit ennaneve, not at all, but I'm in a place where I'm feeling overwhelmed by expectations... most of them my own.